Is a new private institution registered 2021 by NACTE with registration number REG/HAS/223P, its located in the Lake zone of Tanzania in Bariadi Town Council of Simiyu Region, about 3 kilometers from Bariadi bus stand, It’s also 4kilometers from Simiyu Regional Referral Hospital (SRRH), and 168km from Mwanza and 138 km from Shinyanga Region.

SIMIYU COLLEGE OF HEALTH AND ALLIED SCIENCES come into action after 2years of an intensive survey done by Board of Directors (BOD) intends to provide an opportunity to those young adults who didn’t get golden chances of joining further studies in different schools, colleges or Universities and it focuses to produce competent, Qualified, knowledgeable, and Reliable Human Resource for Health in an affordable cost.

SICHAS targets all young adults specifically those of low-income students who qualify to attend 2 or 3year diploma studies in health fields. The students we target are on track to become high school or o-level graduates whom, without our intervention, either would not apply to university at all or would apply to less selective colleges in which they would not be able to maximize their potential of being selected.

SICHAS currently is offering diploma in pharmaceutical science but in next intake shall offer all other health-related programmes including clinical medicine.